Hook up with hot gay men at Deception Bay Public Toilets in Kippa-Ring
  • Deception Bay Public Toilets

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Kippa-Ring
    • Neighbourhood: Deception Bay
    • Address: Bayview Terrace
  • Viewed: 318609
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: These are public toilets, with a urinal and two cubicles.

    The whole waterfront here is cruisy, from the abandoned Fisheries Department building at the northern end all the way to the dog area in Boama Park at the southern end.

    The pathway along the southern end, from Webster Rd to Boama Park, is quite active - there are lots of trees, gardens and mangroves there to keep you out of sight. The various toilet blocks along the way are also very active.