Hook up with hot gay men at Peregian Beach in Peregian Beach
  • Peregian Beach

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Peregian Beach
    • Neighbourhood: Peregian Beach
    • Address: Peregian Esplanade
  • Viewed: 111634
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: The toilet block is situated in a large car park area that is used for the public to have beach access. The tracks and bushes adjacent to these toilets DO NOT work as a beat, only the toilets. For outdoor fun walk onto the beach and head south 300 or so metres. Dunes and bushes from the track leading to the boardwalk to David Low Way Carpark (listed on Squirt) are where the outdoor action happens during the day.

    At night you could head down to the beach here and use bushes, but not during daytime.

    Popular, with a range of ages, tradies, and surfers who frequent it.

    Facilities: There is a toilet block with single cubicles, a urinal and two single showers.