Hook up with hot gay men at Knutsford Services in Knutsford
  • Knutsford Services

  • Website link:
    • City: Knutsford
    • Neighbourhood: Knutsford
    • Address: M6 and Junction 19
  • Viewed: 65668
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: The southbound toilets are shaped like an "L"; one arm has cubicles on opposite walls. The other has a run of urinals (without separators) down one wall and a run of basins along the other. Positioned correctly (turned slightly to the right - 1 o'clock position) when using any of the urinals, you will be completely visible to those entering; if their eyes linger or return to your dick, you're probably on. Alternatively, keep a watch for someone hovering near the entrance, trying to get a second look. The showers are external and need a key.

    The northbound toilets have two sets of urinals, none of which have separators. One runs along the far wall, and a second runs around a corner, with cubicles opposite. The basins are in the centre. When entering the toilets, the first urinal in the run of urinals to the left will give you a clear mirror view of anyone entering. Conversely, they'll have an almost clear view of you (and your dick). The second circle of basins will also give a clear linear view of the same run of urinals, as will the hand-dryer located on the corner wall, adjacent to this row of urinals.