Hook up with hot gay men at A3 Junction 10 Wisley in Cobham
  • A3 Junction 10 Wisley

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Cobham
    • Neighbourhood: Ockham
    • Address: Portsmouth Road
  • Viewed: 2261556
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Ockham Common is accessed on the eastbound part of the A3 opposite Wisley. The area has undergone massive redevelopment, with M25/ A3 Junction 10 improvement works, and the Heathland restoration project. The project when finished will provide a different cruising opportunity, with improved access between Wisley and Ockham Common with new bridges across the A3. There will still be wood areas.

    There are two car parks (both FREE)
    The first is larger, and just off of the A3. It has a cafe and is bordered by sparse woodland. The second car park is a few hundred yards down the road, and has similar land redevelopment, but has the benefit of large mounds of soil providing some discretion from above the car park.
    From both car parks, if you take a walk through the recently cleared land, you will come to a densely wooded area that borders the clockwise flow of the M25.

    If you are staying in the car park areas, you'll find plenty of cars and vans, that will have their door or windows open to show off, or to make it easy to start a conversation.