Hook up with hot gay men at Sinful Sensations in Springfield
  • Sinful Sensations

  • Website link:
    • City: Springfield
    • Neighbourhood: Northeast Side
    • Address: 2221 North Dirksen Parkway
  • Viewed: 136184
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: They have good prices on porno DVDs here, but the mags and toys seem a bit over-priced.

    There is a small theater; entry to this costs $6, and is good for all day. The theater doesn't get advertised or promoted, but it's getting more action all the time. It's easy to leave the door ajar and cruise the booths, then return to the theater. Straight videos are shown, except on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

    Starting July 1, 2019, they began adding tax to the theater and viewing booth fee. It is now $6.56.
    The cost has changed effective January 1st. It now costs $7 plus tax for the booths and the theater.

    New owners and the place is called "The Mistress"
    They sell a lot of toys, lingerie, and dads.
    They have updated booths with hundreds of videos to view and you can even access live cams.