Hook up with hot gay men at Tunstall Square Shopping Centre Toilet in Melbourne
  • Tunstall Square Shopping Centre Toilet

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Melbourne
    • Neighbourhood: Doncaster
    • Address: 42 Tunstall Road
  • Viewed: 32077
  • Rating: 1 Rating: 1 star 100
  • Description: This is a well hidden toilet of the shopping centre. Please note that this is not the new toilet in the middle of the car park. When you turn left into Tunstall Road into the shopping centre, drive to the car park on the left where NAB bank is. Along the same strip of shops as NAB bank, go to the last shop which is the Harvey World Travel Agency. It's not a well used toilet. There are 2 cubicles in the toilet and you can play there for a long time with no interruptions.