Hook up with hot gay men at XXL in Berlin
  • XXL

  • Website link:
    • City: Berlin
    • Neighbourhood: Prenzlauer
    • Address: Bornholmer Strasse 7
  • Viewed: 30633
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: XXL is the best gay kino arcade in Berlin. If you are staying in West Berlin it is a bit of a trip-25 mins from Zoo Station, but well worth it. The entrance is a porno shop that rents and sells gay DVDs. You tell the man at the counter you want to go to the kino and pay there. It varies from 6 to 8 euros depending on the time of day. Make sure you keep your ticket, since this allows you re-entry all day. Also you can check your coat and any bags for free with him. The complex consists of 16 booths throughout 3 different areas, plus a lounge, play area with slings and couches. Once you pay the films are free in all the booths, you just change the channel.