Hook up with hot gay men at Braybrook Shopping Center in Sunshine
  • Braybrook Shopping Center

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Sunshine
    • Neighbourhood: Braybrook
    • Address: 227 Ballarat Road
  • Viewed: 294957
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: Great beat in that it's isolated from the shopping centre so you can sit in your car and monitor who goes in and out. Toilets are at the end of a long hallway that is for toilet access only so you can hear people coming, if they are. There are 3 toilets in what is only described as their own rooms, not cubicles, so if you have anybody as long as you're not screaming out loud you can have a good deal of privacy and get it on without being visible to anybody at all. 2 of the cubicles are permanently locked. The third near the entrance has just had a glory hole added but it’s risky.