Hook up with hot gay men at Somers Town Community Sports Centre in London
  • Somers Town Community Sports Centre

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: London
    • Neighbourhood: King's Cross
    • Address: 134 Chalton St
  • Viewed: 578
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: Small men's changing room with showers, 2 cubicles, and a set of urinals. Mainly students and some adults into fitness/sports come and go. You can hear the door open so enough time to cruise and react. If you're cruising, stand at the urinal for a while and if someone joins you, wait a few seconds before looking at them. Remember to be discreet and careful, many of the passers-by are here for sports typically. The stalls aren't big but enough space for some action. The best times are usually 2-4 pm on Sundays and afternoons for the week.