Hook up with hot gay men at Mount Alfred in Wellington
  • Mount Alfred

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Wellington
    • Neighbourhood: Newtown
    • Address: Alexandra Road
  • Viewed: 354054
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: There are many paths off the main track (it's part of the town belt). It's not hard to find them or create a new one! There is a soccer/rugby shed on a field further down the track and it's always open and never used during the weekdays. It offers some shelter as long as no one comes in!

    Follow the track from the geographical marker until it goes past a bench seat on your left. Follow it a little more until it bears right. You will find a small track leading off to the right. Follow this trail until you encounter a grey cushion. There is now a Green cushion in the same area.