Hook up with hot gay men at Bodyworks Club in Dunedin
  • Bodyworks Club

  • Website link:
    • City: Dunedin
    • Neighbourhood: The Octagon
    • Address: 127 Stuart Street
  • Viewed: 216757
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: Conventional gay sauna, lockers, showers, spa pool, steam room and dry sauna, at least two different video channels (porn), TV lounge with computer for internet. Private rooms, maze, glory hole booths and a sling room. Some fitness equipment and food available. Friendly helpful staff, management. Casual entry $25
    Couples $20 per person on request
    Student entry $16 with ID

    Frequent user discount options available on request.

    Multiple visits in one week (Monday to Sunday) $25 first visit, $15 second visit, $20 third visit

    Membership $30 per week ($20 per week for existing spa support members) - Monthly commitment required

    CASH ONLY (until further notice)