Hook up with hot gay men at Queens Park in Invercargill
  • Queens Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Invercargill
    • Neighbourhood: Town
    • Address: Kelvin Street
  • Viewed: 69693
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: There are a couple of areas that guys cruise at Queens Park and both are on the main entrance side. Most guys cruise around the main entrance by waiting in their cars or walking around near the gates. Sometimes guys also wait to the right of the gates in the car park there (which is near the sports oval) but most cruising is to the left of the main gates which is the entrance at the top of Kelvin Street. More guys park here outside these gates and often walk into the park and around the area to show they are cruising. There are plenty of trees and dark areas if guys don't want to play in their cars or move on elsewhere. Most activity here occurs early evening or after dark. Some cruising does occur during the day though along this side of the park.