Hook up with hot gay men at Sunnnybank Hills Shopping Village Toilets in Algester
  • Sunnnybank Hills Shopping Village Toilets

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Algester
    • Neighbourhood: Sunnybank Hills
    • Address: 397 Hellawell Rd
  • Viewed: 66633
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: Update: GLORY HOLE IS BACK. (Covered up again) (9/11/2024)

    The toilet block is located in the middle of the shopping village and behind the real estate agency, 2 corridors lead to the toilets, 1 corridor is next to a Chinese Restaurant and the other corridor is next to the Chiropractor.

    The glory hole is in the diving wall of the last two cubicles but is frequently covered over by center management.

    The toilet door has a keypad lock and the code is 12345678.