Hook up with hot gay men at Echuca Victoria Park Sports Complex Football Oval Toilets in Echuca
  • Echuca Victoria Park Sports Complex Football Oval Toilets

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Echuca
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 12 Crofton Street
  • Viewed: 13317
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Quite a spacious toilet - obviously been used long-term as a beat due to the evidence of metal plates over all 3 cubicle doors where gloryholes used to be and thick-crusted layers of cum on the inside walls of the cubicles.

    Cleaned off writing in them too.

    As they're building a second bridge across the Murray River next to the Sports Complex, you can't park by the front gates to the oval, but you can drive in through gates further down Crofton Street and drive around to get close to the toilets.

    There's a spy hole in the wall of the toilet closest to the urinal and one in its door and one through the wall down low to just inside the entrance. The glory holes have been covered over.